ACS 0020 Multiple procedures
Publication Date: May 2004
Implementation Date: 1/07/2020
ICD 10 AM Edition: Third edition
Query Number: 1913
If a patient has a panendoscopy and multiple biopsies are taken, do we need to code this multiple times?
For example:
1. Panendoscopy with six duodenal biopsies. Is code 30473-01 [1008] Panendoscopy to duodenum with biopsy coded six times?
2. Panendoscopy with biopsies of oesophagus, stomach and duodenum. Is code 30473-01 [1008] Panendoscopy to duodenum with biopsy coded three times?
Inclusion notes under code 32090-01 [911] Fibreoptic colonoscopy to caecum, with biopsy mention with multiple biopsies; however, code 30473-01 [1008] does not have the same wording for multiple biopsies.
For example:
1. Panendoscopy with six duodenal biopsies. Is code 30473-01 [1008] Panendoscopy to duodenum with biopsy coded six times?
2. Panendoscopy with biopsies of oesophagus, stomach and duodenum. Is code 30473-01 [1008] Panendoscopy to duodenum with biopsy coded three times?
Inclusion notes under code 32090-01 [911] Fibreoptic colonoscopy to caecum, with biopsy mention with multiple biopsies; however, code 30473-01 [1008] does not have the same wording for multiple biopsies.
This query was originally published in May 2004 andpreviously retired on 30 June 2010. It was reinstated effective 1 July 2020 following a review as the advice is considered current.
It is correct to use this code once, even when there are multiple biopsies taken.
We acknowledge the inclusion note under colonoscopy with biopsy, and will make a suggestion to the NCCH that a similar note be included for panendoscopy.
It is correct to use this code once, even when there are multiple biopsies taken.
We acknowledge the inclusion note under colonoscopy with biopsy, and will make a suggestion to the NCCH that a similar note be included for panendoscopy.