'Department of Health and Human services, Victoria, Australia'

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Administration of solution 120 in newborn episode

Publication Date: September 2016

ICD 10 AM Edition: Ninth edition

Query Number: 3116

Solution 120 is a solution of electrolytes with an addition of 5%dextrose.

What is the correct Procedure code(s) to assign when Solution 120 is administered In the newborn episode?.

a. 9619908 - IV administration of pharmacological agent, electrolyte
b. 9619908 - IV administration of pharmacological agent, electrolyte
9619909- IV administration of pharmacological agent, other and unspecified pharmacological agent


As ACS 1615 Specific diseases and interventions related to the sick neonate under the heading Parenteral fluid therapy specifically lists electrolytes and dextrose, VICC considers that it is appropriate to assign a code for both components of Solution 120.

This advice applies to this specific solution as the components are specified in ACS 1615. It is not intended that this advice be applied to all infusions.