'Department of Health and Human services, Victoria, Australia'

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Low pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A (PAPP-A) score

Publication Date: December 2016

ICD 10 AM Edition: Ninth edition

Query Number: 3156

Induction of Labour for Low PAPP A score.

We have been informed that a Low PAPP A score may be an indication of Placental Insufficient/IUGR.

In the absence of documentation of Placental Insufficiency and/or IUGR, what is the correct code to use to capture low PAPP A?


VICC research finds that PAPP-A (pregnancy-associated plasma protein-A) is a protein produced by the embryo and placenta, the levels of which rise throughout pregnancy. A blood test conducted on the woman during the first trimester is used to assess risk of a range of chromosomal anomalies, and includes testing for level of PAPP-A. A low PAPP-A result is considered to indicate an increased risk of anomalies and adverse outcomes, including IUGR.

In the absence of documentation of placental insufficiency or IUGR, VICC considers it correct to assign both:
O28.0 Abnormal haematological finding on antenatal screening of mother and R77.8 Other specified abnormalities of plasma proteins following Index entries:
Abnormal/finding/antenatal screening, mother/haematological NEC O28.0

Abnormal/plasma/protein/specified NEC R77.8