'Department of Health and Human services, Victoria, Australia'

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Acute respiratory distress syndrome

Publication Date: March 2018

ICD 10 AM Edition: Tenth edition

Query Number: 3300

Research undertaken indicates that the terminology of 'Acute respiratory distress syndrome' is synonymously used with 'Adult respiratory distress syndrome'.

As there is no Index classification for acute respiratory distress syndrome, could VICC please advise if it is correct to assign J80 Adult respiratory distress syndrome when we have documentation of "Acute respiratory distress syndrome"?


VICC research indicates that adult respiratory distress syndrome and acute respiratory distress syndrome are synonymous terms. As there is no Index classification for acute respiratory distress syndrome, VICC advises it is correct to assign J80 Adult respiratory distress syndrome when there is documentation of acute respiratory distress syndrome. Please note this query is not applicable to neonates.