'Department of Health and Human services, Victoria, Australia'

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Vestibular neuritis

Publication Date: June 2019

ICD 10 AM Edition: Tenth edition

Query Number: 3528

This patient presented with one week of intermittent vertigo symptoms that occurred when moving her head or eyes. There was no nystagmus and CT brain was clear. She was diagnosed with vestibular neuritis.

There is no index entry for vestibular neuritis. However, there is an ICD-10-AM code for vestibular neuronitis: H81.2.

Our research has shown that vestibular neuritis and vestibular neuronitis are the same condition.

Can the committee please advise what code should be assigned for vestibular neuritis?


VICC agrees with your research that vestibular neuritis and vestibular neuronitis are different terms for the same condition. This is supported by the Royal Victorian Eye and Ear Hospital patient information page which states:
“Vestibular neuritis (or vestibular neuronitis) and labyrinthitis are disorders that result in inflammation of the inner ear and/or the nerve connecting the inner ear to the brain”. https://www.eyeandear.org.au/page/Patients/Patient_information/Balance_Disorders/What_are_some_types_of_balance_disorders/Vestibular_neuritis_and_labyrinthitis/ (accessed 21 May 2019)

Therefore, for documentation of either vestibular neuritis or vestibular neuronitis, VICC advises to assign H81.2 Vestibular neuronitis.