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Records 91 to 100 of 1588
2783 - Acute thrombosis of aorto bifemoral bypass graft - retired 30/6/2017
What is the correct code to use for acute thrombosis of aorto bifemoral bypass graft?
The patient was admitted with an occluded aortobifemoral bypass graft, the original bypass having been performed 19 months previously. A thrombectomy and synthetic patch graft was performed on the grafted section of the artery.
Is the thrombosis considered to be a normal disease progression, and should therefore be coded as:
I74.3 Embolism and throm...
(June 2013)
3421 - Adding specific injury codes to accidental laceration/perforation during surgery codes
Should an unintentional perforation of the mesentery occurring during a surgical procedure only have code K91.68 Accidental puncture and laceration of peritoneum during a procedure assigned, or should code S36.82 Injury of mesentery be added to provide further specificity of the site?...
(June 2020)
2547 - Additional diagnoses for adjustment, management, fitting or removal of VAD, VC or DDD sameday admissions - retired 30/6/2015
I refer to VICC Queries #2127 Coding of cancer with insertion/removal infusaport, #2148 Insertion and removal of infusaport, #1958 ACS 0236 Neoplasm coding and sequencing and # 2433 Chemotherapy.
I wish to obtain clarification on the assignment of additional diagnoses for same day admissions for the adjustment, management, fitting or removal of vascular access devices (VAD), venous catheters (VC) and drug delivery devices (DDD). Do such same day admissions require the a...
(December 2010)
2281 - Additional diagnoses for rehabilitation and GEM episodes - retired 30/6/2013
I am seeking clarification of the requirement by DHS to fully code out all conditions that a patient has whilst he or she is receiving either Rehabilitation or GEM care. It has been brought to my attention that there is a large metropolitan network that apparently has instructed its coders to simply put in the appropriate “Z” code for rehab, and a principal diagnosis for GEM. It takes many hours each month for my staff to fully code all the complications, co morbidities and other interventions...
(March 2007)
3009 - Adhesiolysis with hernia repair
I recently coded bilateral inguinal repair (recurrent) with adhesions. The adhesions are included in the diagnosis code as Obstruction K40.01 Bilateral inguinal hernia, with obstruction, without gangrene, recurrent.
However I am unsure if the procedure code for repair of hernia with obstruction 30615-00 [997] Repair of incarcerated, obstructed or strangulated hernia includes the adhesiolysis. Can you please advise if procedure code 30615-00 [997] includes adhesiolysis...
(September 2015)
3437 - Adhesions
Scenario one:
Operation report - Bladder adherent to peritoneum. Careful division of adhesions.
Do the Index entries for Adhesions/Adhesive, bladder and gallbladder refer to adhesions within the bladder/gallbladder or when the bladder/gallbladder is adherent to other organs/tissue? There is no Index entry for Adhesions/bladder/internal (as there is for uterus), however perivesical adhesions (ie situated or occurring around the bladder) are Indexe...
(December 2018)
3741 - Adhesions due to previous surgery in a LUSCS
Coding Rule Q3423 Adhesions divided during caesarean section without labour directs coders to assign O65.5 Labour and deliver affected by abnormality of maternal pelvic organs where pelvic / peritoneal adhesions are divided during caesarean section.
ACS 1521 Conditions and injuries in pregnancy, nonobstetric conditions complicating pregnancy states that conditions classified to Chapter 19 Injury, poisoning and certain other consequences of external causes are never assig...
(May 2022)
2922 - Adhesions due to surgery - retired 30/6/2020
Principal diagnosis on summary is 'Adhesions secondary to hemicolectomy'. Patient had laparoscopic division of adhesions. Past history: Hemicolectomy approximately one year ago.
I am unsure which code to assign as principal diagnosis - K66.0 Peritoneal adhesions or K91.8 Other postprocedural disorders of digestive system, not elsewhere classified (with additional diagnosis K66.0).
Following ACS 1904 Procedural complications coders should look ...
(June 2014)
3430 - Adhesions removed or resected
What are the correct procedure codes for the removal and or resection of adhesions from the abdominal wall and/or pelvis? There is no index pathway or links to the words 'division' or 'adhesiolysis'. Is removal or resection of adhesions synonymous with division?
Search details: ACS 0047 Adhesions...
(December 2018)
1901 - Administration of SIR-spheres/SIRTEX - retired 30/6/2010
Please provide advice on how to code administration of SIR-spheres or SIRTEX (a product that emits radiation to kill cancer cells in the liver). Microspheres are injected into a patient's liver. The microspheres are radioactive isotope yttrium-90, which emit ionising beta radiation that destroys cancer cells.The specific procedure we identified was performed in the Radiology department and involved angiography of the liver. The hepatic artery was cannulated using a micro-catheter and one thir...
(August 2003)